Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fight fat-o-phobia! (I know the "o" isn't really necessary, but I like it.)

As you probably know by now, I'm quite the armchair sociologist--and hey, good writers have a lot in common with sociologists, with their incessant observing and (over-)analyzing--so here's some sociological fodder for ya . . . . I felt this guest post on my favorite blog was too right-on and important not to share.

[I'll wait for you to read it.]

Now, is your interest piqued? Are you as pissed off by those horrible comments (perfectly illustrating the misogny and just downright meanness that Internet anonymity can bring out in people) she received as I am? Or are you still cynical about fat-o-phobia? In any of these cases, I strongly recommend this awesome book to you.

Joyous in July (at any size),

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