Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Though the Académie française will think it an abomination, and it sounds a little bit like "Listerine," I've decided to make my made-up Frenglish/Franglais word "Listetrice" the new title of my posts listing yummy or otherwise fun places I go to. Most of them will be in H-town, but as my out-of-town agendas almost always center around food, there will be field trips. . . .

Here are the first honorees:

- What's Up Cupcake? (despite their lack of necessary comma)

- Swirll

- Berripop

- Simone

It is telling to note that I have been back in Houston for less than a month, but have been to all of these places at least once--Swirll twice and Berripop thrice!


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