Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm pretty ambivalent about Stephen Colbert, but I liked this--dare I say it? Yes!--feminist clip from last night's show. Sure, it has its trademark Comedy Central immaturity, especially at the end, but it's in the service of Colbert making fun of himself at the same time, so I can live with it.

In terms of it being a "teachable [and post-able] moment," it says a lot about the easy stereotypes writers can fall into, as well as the importance of making all your characters three-dimensional and well-rounded (Hey, Colbert, stop snickering--no pun intended!).

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Arch Enemies
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Protests

Speaking of the representation of women in fiction, even by women, check out this great criticism of films like The Ugly Truth and The Proposal. (Stephanie, I thought you especially would be interested in this.)

- L'Editrice


  1. I really liked this clip as well. It accurately represents power relationships between men and women, the media's treatment of women in general and Hillary Clinton in particular. Great! I wrote an analysis of it yesterday:

  2. Thanks for commenting, Laura. I like your blog. How did you find mine?

    - L'Editrice
