Friday, February 26, 2010

Cool things I learned from this week's PW Children's Bookshelf

- Publishers introduce a high-tech way to share storytime (with a super-cute name)--now that's a smart way for old media to embrace new media without compromise.

- John Grisham is writing a middle-grade series. My dad and I (cautiously) squeal! (Though it would have been even better news had the 13-year-old legal-whiz protagonist been named Theodora.)

- And I didn't even know they'd replicated that famous cookie test with marshmallows recently, but I'm glad to see it confirmed that one's childhood lack of self-control involving sweets has nothing to do with one's long-term self-control on more important things. I mean, I was a good kid who followed instructions, but I have never been able to turn down a cookie or a marshallow--and I think I've done okay in life. So stop maligning us sweet-tooth types!

- L'Editrice

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