Thursday, March 25, 2010

Doing the tap dance

It's World Water Week, and I just heard about this awesome nationwide project for UNICEF.

Perhaps this week will even get you used to drinking tap water all the time, and you will no longer waste your money (or the valuable resources used to bottle, ship, and dispose of the plastic bottles housing what is pretty much just tap water that you've already paid for in taxes) on bottled water anymore.

I strongly believe that access to clean water is a human right, and that rights should not be privatized. When we privileged few start paying high prices for things that should come to us free, all that happens is the poor people who can't afford this newly commodified resource will end up with no access at all. (For an analagous, if less serious example, see the rise of cell phones and the decline of pay phones.)

Activistically yours,

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