Wednesday, January 1, 2014


At the top of my list for 2014 is to think about how much things really cost. What I mean by this is reminding myself that when something is convenient and cheap, it is likely because someone underprivileged is bearing the brunt of low pay and poor working conditions so companies can still keep their huge profit margin. Not to mention the environmental effects.

I know I can't be perfect, but I think being conscious about where my purchases come from--my clothes, especially, since that's where I tend to spend most of my disposable income--will be a good goal.

So far I've identified the following sources for fair trade/Made in USA/independent-artist made clothing and accessories: [Update, 4/15/14: I've been putting up new sources as I find them, plus adding sources for other necessities we often forget about thinking where they come from, like soap.]

[Update, 5/20/14: Just discovered these fair-trade clothing brands, and I'm in LOVE:]

[Newly discovered, 6/12/14:]

  • Pact (Fair-trade, organic undies! And I can pick them up at Nordstrom, Whole Foods, or Sprouts.)
  • Synergy

And of course I'll continue to buy lots of gifts and accessories at Ten Thousand Villages.

Consuming less and consuming consciously: that's my resolution. What's yours?
- L'Editrice

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